2012 Enterplay My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Trading Cards

2012 Enterplay My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Trading Cards

Set Checklist

2012 Enterplay My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Checklist

Base Set Checklist

84 cards.

1 Twilight Sparkle
2 Rarity
3 Fluttershy
4 Applejack
5 Pinkie Pie
6 Rainbow Dash
7 Spike
8 Princess Celestia
9 Princess Luna
10 Apple Bloom
11 Scootaloo
12 Sweetie Belle
13 Princess Cadance
14 Shining Armor
15 Granny Smith
16 Cheerilee
17 Big Macintosh
18 Zecora
19 Snips and Snails
20 The Cakes
21 Braeburn
22 The Wonderbolts
23 Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara
24 Hoity Toity and Photo Finish
25 Mayor Mare and Time Turner
26 Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda
27 DJ PON-3 and Octavia
28 Mare Do Well and Daring Do
29 Golden Harvest and Lyra Heartstrings
30 Prince Blueblood

31 Nightmare Moon
32 Discord
33 Queen Chrysalis
34 Sea Serpent
35 Gilda
36 The Great and Powerful Trixie!

37 Owlowiscious
38 Winona
39 Opalescence
40 Angel
41 Gummy
42 Tank
43 Philomena
44 Peewee

User Rating

4.6 average based on 81 reviews.

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